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Buy one give one

Giving is a big part of our values.

As a business we give to a number of charities that fit our purpose and value -either our time or a percentage of our revenue. 

Our gold charity is Ghost Diving New Zealand. 'We are the New Zealand Ghost Divers - working to retrieve rāpihi (rubbish) from our oceans'

We donate a percentage of sales on our online stores that are above $99. We also donate a percentage of sales for all our wholesale customers.
Our team also gets involved with the local clean up initiatives. 




Our other charities are Sea Sheppard, Kids Cam and the B1G1 initiative.
We also run sustainability school at our showroom for local school children to learn more about sustainability. This is run by our team in the showroom and we love all the enthusiasm and energy kids bring to this school. 



Buy One Give One

We are very proud of our Homework force model that supports many women who find it difficult to obtain work. We bring work to them in their homes. We are also proud to be part of the 'Buy one give one' ideals whereby every nil that you buy will also support one of our 4 main impacts ranging from supplying vegetable seeds to families in Cambodia to supplying a nourishing meal to the vulnerable in New Zealand.

Every time we give, the impacts created are automatically counted and updated live on our impact counter. You can also read more about our impacts and the countries that we are making an impact in. All B1G1 projects are in line with the Sustainable Development Goals set by global leaders.

nil is ensuring that business is a force for good in the world. Join us by buying a nil.